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Road Maintenance Update


‎Cheryl Andersen‎ posted to I NEED HELP IN PAHRUMP



Starting at 6:30 am - 2:30 on 12/17/19


Give yourself extra time going to Pahrump and also up near Lovell canyon. Slow down and watch for krail trucks turning into your Vegas bound lanes. They don’t realize your doing 80 and you get to them faster. Also watch for their flashers as it takes them a minuit to pick up speed. You don’t want to come flying up and realize, your passing lane has cars and u can’t get over! Also Vegas.. the loaded krail trucks are slow going. If u get caught behind one it will alter your time.


We are removing krails (the temporary cement dividers) and flagger holds are up to 20 minutes. NDOT allows 20 minuits on hold times although they have been running around 15ish.


We’re trying to get these krails gone so u can both lanes back. Be patient a little bit longer Thank u.


And .. my boss said, by Wednesday we should have all krails gone!


And you have both sides done wooohoo!